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Service Support Policy

Effective as of: June 10, 2021

These are Ovation's current policies that pertain to providing technical support for our commercial services, including the LIMS ( and and the provider portal ( and

We mean to follow these policies and to notify you about any material changes to them but the policies (and the notification) are not contractual obligations.

Ovation provides assistance and problem resolution for you and your users. Such support is only available to authorized users of the LIMS. Users of the provider portal should contact you for assistance and you can seek assistance from us on their behalf if needed.

To receive support, email us at, which will indirectly create a trackable issue in our support management system. The subsequent email thread is mirrored in that system while we manage the issue to resolution.

Do not include protected health information (PHI) with your support request, including but not limited to what you write in your message, screenshots or attached files. See below regarding how we can securely transfer such information when needed.

Our standard support hours are 9AM to 9PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. We aim to initially respond to all requests within two hours (within this schedule). Actual resolution of the issue will vary greatly depending on the nature of the issue but we prioritize business critical issues and assign staff accordingly.

Issues can still be raised at other times using the same mechanism. We do monitor for apparent emergency support requests on a best-efforts basis from approximately 6AM to approximately midnight (Eastern Time) every day. We also maintain a variety of automated system alarms that alert us about major malfunctions. Our on-call engineering team responds to these alarms -- and works to mitigate them -- 24x7.

ET Midnight - 6AM 6AM - 9AM 9AM - 9PM 9PM - Midnight
Monday-Friday System alarms only System alarms + best efforts Standard hours (two-hour response) System alarms + best efforts
Saturday-Sunday System alarms only System alarms + best efforts System alarms + best efforts System alarms + best efforts

We sometimes need to access your data, including PHI, to diagnose and resolve your issue. Our Business Associate Agreement with you describes our obligations with respect to this access. We may access your information through the service's user interface or application programming interface (logged in and audited as us), directly in the underlying infrastructure (i.e., the file store and database) or "impersonating" you or another user in order to diagnose an issue. We have processes and security measures in place to limit and monitor such access.

When we need to modify your data or configuration to resolve your issues, we require that an individual authorized by you approve the change. Contact our support team to confirm or update your list of authorized individuals.

In the event that we need to share files that contain PHI to resolve your issue, we use the document management features built into the service so that you can control access using our normal access control features. Our support team will help you with the details when this is needed.

Sometimes we will update our service to resolve your issue. Please see our Service Update Policy for how we do this.

If you have questions or concerns about this policy, you can contact us via email at